拇指英语说,成都app软件开发公司 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法。让英语学习变得更有趣,更简单。我们提供的服务有:做网站、网站设计、微信公众号开发、网站优化、网站认证、秀峰ssl等。为上1000家企事业单位解决了网站和推广的问题。提供周到的售前咨询和贴心的售后服务,是有科学管理、有技术的秀峰网站制作公司在英语学习中,阅读是学生获得英语知识,提高英语能力与素养的重要途径。通过阅读,学生们可以增强语感、积淀文化知识,提高学生跨文化交际能力,从而整体提高他们的英语综合能力。为增加阅读素材的多元化,拇指英语说特推出“报刊时文阅读素材积累系列”。众所周知,报刊阅读的材料内容丰富,真实感和时效性强,语言地道,话题轻松活泼,贴近学生生活。因此,报刊阅读是对校内英语教材的有益补充,有利于培养学生的阅读兴趣,提高阅读技能。本系列适合小学高年级至初中年级学生。按阅读难度,分为一星(小学高年级),二星(初中低年级)和三星(初中高年级)。[来源】Teens[主题语境】励志美文[难度系数】**Nobody has to be perfectReading There was once a painter whose goal was to paint the most beautiful painting in the world. Day and night he painted to make his greatest work. He painted many paintings, but every time, he would throw away paintings that he thought were less than perfect.At the same time, another painter who worked in the same studio (工作室) also painted many paintings. He tried his best to paint and rarely (很少) threw any paintings away. The first painter would sometimes walk by, looking at the second painter’s finished works, and laugh at them. “No one will ever buy these paintings. They are worthless!” he would say.The second painter would always answer, “We’ll see.” And in time, the second painter sold nearly all of his works. People were happy with them, even if they were less than perfect.The first painter never achieved what he wanted and finally gave up on his dream of perfection. He went home, penniless (身无分文的), having never sold any of his paintings.There is a saying – “Practice makes perfect.” It is used to say that people become better at something if they do it often.For example, if you want to be a good writer, you should write every day. But in fact, this saying is not always true. No one is perfect, and looking for perfection often ends in failure. But if we simply do our best and work hard, we can usually succeed in life.【Treasure Box]
- perfect adj. 完美的 (perfection n. 完美)
- worthless adj. 无价值的
- achieve v. 达到;实现
- failure n. 失败
- succeed v. 成功
- A 2. C 3. C 4. D
5. is used to 6. are used to 7. used to