创新互联长期为上千多家客户提供的网站建设服务,团队从业经验10年,关注不同地域、不同群体,并针对不同对象提供差异化的产品和服务;打造开放共赢平台,与合作伙伴共同营造健康的互联网生态环境。为源城企业提供专业的成都做网站、成都网站制作、成都外贸网站建设,源城网站改版等技术服务。拥有十余年丰富建站经验和众多成功案例,为您定制开发。#!/bin/bashNOW=`date +"%Y-%m"`;BACKUPDIR="location/of/your/backup/dir/$NOW";### Server Setup ####* MySQL login user name *#MUSER="user";#* MySQL login PASSWORD name *#MPASS="pass";#* MySQL login HOST name *#MHOST="your--ip";MPORT="your-mysql-port";# DO NOT BACKUP these databasesIGNOREDB="information_schemamysqltest"#* MySQL binaries *#MYSQL=`which mysql`;MYSQLDUMP=`which mysqldump`;GZIP=`which gzip`;# assuming that /nas is mounted via /etc/fstabif [ ! -d $BACKUPDIR ]; then mkdir -p $BACKUPDIRelse :fi# get all database listingDBS="$(mysql -u $MUSER -p$MPASS -h $MHOST -P $MPORT -Bse show databases)"# SET DATE AND TIME FOR THE FILENOW=`date +"d%dh%Hm%Ms%S"`; # day-hour-minute-sec format# start to dump database one by onefor db in $DBSdo DUMP="yes"; if [ "$IGNOREDB" != "" ]; then for i in $IGNOREDB # Store all value of $IGNOREDB ON i do if [ "$db" == "$i" ]; then # If result of $DBS(db) is equal to $IGNOREDB(i) then DUMP="NO"; # SET value of DUMP to "no" #echo "$i database is being ignored!"; fi done fi if [ "$DUMP" == "yes" ]; then # If value of DUMP is "yes" then backup database FILE="$BACKUPDIR/$NOW-$db.gz"; echo "BACKING UP $db"; $MYSQLDUMP --add-drop-database --opt --lock-all-tables -u $MUSER -p$MPASS -h $MHOST -P $MPORT $db | gzip > $FILE fidone The best part is that you only need to specify a handful of parameters to make the script work. This includes BACKUPDIR (the destination for storing backups), MUSER (MySQL user), MPASS (MySQL user password), MHOST (the IP address of the MySQL server, e.g. localhost), and MPORT (the port the MySQL database is running on, default is 3306).