vb点虐 打印cad vb打印对话框
如何使用vb点虐 调用cad进行绘图
你去查查书吧,书上挺详细的,在这说不好说,你先在项目里引用。然后 Dim acadapp As AcadApplication Dim acaddoc As AcadDocument On Error Resume Next AcadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application") If Err.Number Then Err.Clear() AcadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application") If Err.Number Then MsgBox("不能运行AutoCAD,请检查是否安装了AutoCAD") Exit Sub End If End If AcadApp.Visible = True '界面可视
vb点虐 打印功能
''''取得当前文档对象 VB a中的方法,如果是在VB中时需要从顶层对象开始引用取得)
Dim currentDoc As AcadDocument
Set currentDoc = ThisDrawing
Dim sp As AcadModelSpace
Set sp = currentDoc.modelspace
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To sp.Count - 1
Dim name As String
name = sp.Item(index).ObjectName
If name Like "*Ac*" Then
Dim blockRef As AcadBlockReference
Set blockRef = sp.Item(index)
Dim insertPoint As Variant
insertPoint = blockRef.InsertionPoint
Dim xScale, yScale As Integer
xScale = blockRef.XScaleFactor
yScale = blockRef.YScaleFactor
Dim width, height As Double
width = 297
height = 210
Dim UpperRight(0 To 1) As Double, LowerLeft(0 To 1) As Double
UpperRight(0) = insertPoint(0)
UpperRight(1) = insertPoint(1)
LowerLeft(0) = insertPoint(0) + width * xScale
LowerLeft(1) = insertPoint(1) - height * yScale
list.AddItem "inserPoint:X=" UpperRight(0) " Y:" UpperRight(1)
list.AddItem "lowerLeft :X=" LowerLeft(0) " Y:" LowerLeft(1)
Dim plotConfs As AcadPlotConfigurations
Set plotConfs = ThisDrawing.PlotConfigurations
list.AddItem plotConfs.Count
Dim plotconf As AcadPlotConfiguration
Set plotconf = plotConfs.Add("plot")
''''list.AddItem plotconf.GetPlotDeviceNames(5)
''''Set plotConf = ThisDrawing.PlotConfigurations.Add
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.SetWindowToPlot LowerLeft, UpperRight
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.PlotType = acWindow
ThisDrawing.Plot.DisplayPlotPreview acFullPreview
End If
Next index
文章标题:vb点虐 打印cad vb打印对话框