✪ PowerShell 学习笔记——PS On MacOS✪
创新互联坚持“要么做到,要么别承诺”的工作理念,服务领域包括:网站设计制作、网站建设、企业官网、英文网站、手机端网站、网站推广等服务,满足客户于互联网时代的千山网站设计、移动媒体设计的需求,帮助企业找到有效的互联网解决方案。努力成为您成熟可靠的网络建设合作伙伴!1. Download the pkg setup file
You can visit Github website and find the PowerShell repo here: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell, then scroll down to “Get PowerShell” section. There is a table, find “macos 10.11” line and click “pkg” link, then download will begin.
After finishing your download, find the file in your Download folder and double click it to begin installation.
If you prefer command line tool to setup PowerShell, it’s OK, here it is:
sudo installer -pkg powershell-6.0.0-alpha.16.pkg -target /
Open a terminal window, copy and paste above command, then press Enter key to run. Microsoft provides a installation instruction here: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/blob/master/docs/installation/linux.md#macos-1011, read it carefully.
2. OpenSSL
To follow the instruction, you also need to setup OpenSSL because most networking functions do require OpenSSL to work properly. On the instruction page, scroll down to “OpenSSL” section, click “their instructions” link, follow the instructions to finish installing Homebrew.
Now you must go back to the macos installation instruction page and run the commands list on the page.
brew install openssl brew install curl --with-openssl
Then for security, you need to patch .NET Core’s cryptography libraries:
find ~/.nuget -name System.Security.Cryptography.Native.dylib | xargs sudo install_name_tool -add_rpath /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib find ~/.nuget -name System.Net.Http.Native.dylib | xargs sudo install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib /usr/local/opt/curl/lib/libcurl.4.dylib
3. Try PowerShell Commands in MacOS Terminal
Now you can open a terminal to try this alpha version of PowerShell by typing “powershell” in the terminal window and pressing Enter key, you will enter PS enviroment.
Let’s try some cmdlets.