10年积累的成都做网站、成都网站制作、成都外贸网站建设经验,可以快速应对客户对网站的新想法和需求。提供各种问题对应的解决方案。让选择我们的客户得到更好、更有力的网络服务。我虽然不认识你,你也不认识我。但先网站制作后付款的网站建设流程,更有白银区免费网站建设让你可以放心的选择与我们合作。data = [
data_dic = {
'A': {
'A1': {
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- tree_search(d_dic,parent,son): k,v_dic d_dic.items(): k == parent: d_dic[k][son] = {} (,son) : () tree_search(d_dic[k],parent,son) data_dic = {} item data: parent,son = item parent : data_dic[son] = {} : tree_search(data_dic,parent,son) k,v data_dic.items(): (k,v)
>>> for item in data: ... parent,son = item ... print parent,"---",son ... None --- A A --- A1 A --- A1-1 A1 --- A2 A1-1 --- A2-3 A2-3 --- A3-4 A1 --- A2-2 A2 --- A3 A2-2 --- A3-3 A3 --- A4 None --- B B --- B1 B1 --- B2 B1 --- B2-2 B2 --- B3 None --- C C --- C1 >>>
('find parent of: ', 'A1')
('find parent of: ', 'A1-1')
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A2')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A2-3')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A3-4')
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A2-2')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A3')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A3-3')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'A4')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'B1')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'B2')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'B2-2')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'B3')
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
going to further layer...
('find parent of: ', 'C1')
('A', {'A1': {'A2': {'A3': {'A4': {}}}, 'A2-2': {'A3-3': {}}}, 'A1-1': {'A2-3': {'A3-4': {}}}})
('C', {'C1': {}})
('B', {'B1': {'B2-2': {}, 'B2': {'B3': {}}}})
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