c语言函数first() C语言函数类型


一个函数的的声明,要给出 四个信息,举个例子


void printfMessage (void)


printf("Programming is fun.\n");


谁可以调用它  who call call it    (注意 static  的应用)

返回值的类型    The type of value it returns

函数名 its name

参数列表  the arguments it takes

很显然  ,你说的例子中,get作为函数名

不同的是它们的返回类型,一个返回Int , 一个返回int.前者是一个指向int 类的指针,后者是整型

下面截至  k r

here is the function power and a main program to excuter it , so you can see the whole structure at once.

A function definition has this form:   函数定义具有如下格式

return-type function-name(parameter declarations, if any)





返回类型 函数名(参数声明,...)





Returning Pointers

Although functions tht return pointers are handled just like any other type of function, it is review some key concepts and look at an example. Pointers are neither integers nor unsigned integers, They are the memory address of a certain type of data. One reason for this distinction is that pointer arithmetic is relative to the base type. For example, if an integer

pointer is incremented , it will contain a value that is four greater than its previous value

(assuming 4-byte integers), In general, each time a pointer is incremented(or decremented),

it points to the next(of previous) item of its type. Since the length of different data types may differ, the compiler must know what type of data the pointer is pointing to. For this reason that returns a pointer must declare explicitly what type of pointer it is returning. For example, you should not use a return type of int * to return a char * pointer! In a few case, a function will need to return a generic pointer. In this case, the function return type must be specified as void *.

To return a ponter, a function must be declared as having a pointer return type. For example, the following function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character c in string s; If no match is found, a pointer to the null terminator is returned.

/* Rerurn pointer of fisrt occurrence of c in s. */

char *match(char c, char *s)


while (c != *s, *s) s++;

return (s);


Here is a short program that uses match();

#include stdio.h

char *match(char c, char *s);  /* prototype */

int main(void)


char s[80], *p, ch;


ch = getchar();

p = match(ch, s);

if (*p) /* there is a match */

printf(" %s ", p);


printf("No match found.");

return 0;



虽然函数返回一个指针和函数返回其他类型的值并没有什么区别,但是通过它回顾一些关键概念还是很有用处的。指针无非就是整型和无符号整型,它们是某些数据类型的内存地址,指针的运算涉及到它的基本类型,比如说,一个指向整型的指针增加1.这个指针变量的的值将会比他的前一个值大4, 一般来讲,指针每加1或者减1,它将指向下一项(这种类型)。由于不同数据类型有着不同的长度,编译器必须知道指针指向了哪种类型,为了解决这个问题,如果一个函数返回一个指针,它必须明确的给出它将返回哪种类型的指针。 比如说,你不能使用 int * 来返回char *. 在某些情况下,一个函数需要返回一个泛型(generic pointer), 在这种情况下,函数必须声明为 void *.



[1] Brian W. Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie the c programming language

[2] Stephen G.Kochan Pogramming in C Third Edition

[3] Herbert Schildt  C The Complete Reference Fourth Edition

c语言 要怎么做才可以让first()与main()按这样写的运行 ps(当两个函数调换顺序可以运行)


void first();

int main ()


printf("Anton bruckner\n");


printf("Auton Bruckner\n");


return 0;


void first()


printf("Auton Bruckner\n");




工具/原料:联想2020、Win10、C++、Code::Block 17.12


2、我们首先在文件这里新建一个空白文件,然后输入#include stdio.h头文件。

3、输入int main(){}表示函数有返回值。

4、char first、second,third,先声明字符变量,这里示范三个变量。

5、first = getchar(),second = getchar(),third = getchar(),用getchar()函数接受字符。

6、putchar(first);putchar(second);putchar(third);putchar('\n');return 0;然后我们用putchar()输出信息。



网页题目:c语言函数first() C语言函数类型