SAP 大量提示等待更新 及大量后台日志如何处理
1)你的系统比较繁忙, CPU,内存不够更新延迟了
2) update 进程不够
3) CI 空余的dia 进程不够
5) 还有N多情况、
后台日志里面到底是什么东西? 你至少要贴上来别人才能帮你啊。 难道你到了医院一句我人不舒服,就要医生知道你是得了什么病?
如果是生产系统的话给你一个忠告,不要看到网上的招数就拿来练手(包括我这贴里面说的问题分析, 拿生产系统来作为自己的练手工具很可能会付出非常高昂的代价)
如何删除SAP 系统日志
干了坏事要消除罪证?你要把audit log 和 system log 都删掉才行 audit log 删除1. To access the Security Audit Log reorganization tool from the SAP standard menu,choose Tools à Administration à Monitor à Security Audit Log à Reorganization.The Security Audit: Delete Old Audit Logs screen appears.2. Enter the Minimum age of files to delete (default = 30 days).This value must be 3.3. Activate the To all active instances indicator to delete the audit files from all applicationservers. Leave the indicator blank if you only want to delete the files from the localapplication server.4. Activate the Simulation only indicator if you do not actually want to delete the files. In thiscase, the action is only simulated.5. Choose Audit Log à Continue. 但这个只能删3天前的,如果你一定要删现在的需要操作系统的权限 (操作系统下做动作的话,操作系统也会有日志的,各系统设置不同,请自行脑补) audit log 在参数 rsau/local/file 里决定路径和文件名。system log system log 分本地log 和全局log 都要删If the syslog really should be deleted, you should first consider, that for 'n' application servers, there are 'n' syslogs, plus 1 central syslog. (The central syslog only exists if at least one machine is running UNIX.)You need the filenames. These can be determined, for example, with the report RSPFPAR or the command 'sapparar'. The following table shows the profile variables and typical values:rslg/central/file /usr/sap/C11/SYS/global/SLOGJrslg/central/old_file /usr/sap/C11/SYS/global/SLOGJOrslg/local/file /usr/sap/C11/D01/log/SLOG01rslg/send_daemon/status_file /usr/sap/C11/D01/data/rslgsstaR/3 must be stopped. If the operating system was not also restarted, the shared memory segment 'SCSA' may still exist. This must also be removed. Possible ways to do this are listed in note number 12715.To delete the central syslog, both syslog files must be deleted. They are recreated automatically when the system is restarted.To delete one of the local syslog, stop the corresponding application server and delete its SCSA. The syslog file and the small management file are then deleted. They are recreated automatically when the system is restarted.If the locale syslog file is mistakenly deleted without the described preparation, it is recreated incorrectly. However, it can be repaired after this with the report 'RSLG0020' (note 21153).翻滚吧,骚年