# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from sys import exit import pygame from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() # 创建窗口 ScreenWidth = 500 ScreenHright = 720 ScreenSize = (ScreenWidth, ScreenHright) Screen = pygame.display.set_mode(ScreenSize, 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption("Ly's Easy Ball Game") # 背景音乐 pygame.mixer.music.load('Sugar.mp3') pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) # 碰撞音效 CollisionMusic = pygame.mixer.Sound('collision.wav') # 重新开始按钮音效 ButtonMusic = pygame.mixer.Sound('button.wav') # 游戏结束音效 GameOverMusic = pygame.mixer.Sound('over.wav') def GameStart(): # 游戏背景Surface对象 Background = pygame.image.load('GameBackground.jpg').convert() # 挡板Surface对象 Baffle = pygame.image.load('Baffle.png').convert_alpha() # 球Surface对象 Ball = pygame.image.load('Ball.png').convert_alpha() # 挡板位置信息 BaffleX = 140 BaffleY = 600 BaffleSpeed = 1000 BaffleXSpeed = BaffleSpeed BaffleYSpeed = BaffleSpeed BaffleMove = {K_LEFT: 0, K_RIGHT: 0, K_UP: 0, K_DOWN: 0} # 球位置信息 BallX = 235 BallY = 0 BallSpeed = 1000. BallXSpeed = BallSpeed BallYSpeed = BallSpeed # 帧率控制Clock对象 FPSClock = pygame.time.Clock() # 时间显示Clock对象 ProgramRunClock = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 时间显示Font对象 RunTimeFont = pygame.font.Font('Jura-DemiBold.ttf', 24) # 游戏结果 GameResult = '' while True: # 接收信息处理 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key in BaffleMove: BaffleMove[event.key] = 1 elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key in BaffleMove: BaffleMove[event.key] = 0 # 绘制背景 Screen.blit(Background, (0, 0)) RunTimeStr = str((pygame.time.get_ticks() - ProgramRunClock) / 1000.0) # print(RunTimeStr) # 使用render方法显示时间字体 RunTimeSurface = RunTimeFont.render(RunTimeStr, True, (255, 52, 179)) # 显示时间 Screen.blit(RunTimeSurface, (0, 0)) # 距上次调用clock对象时间 SecondTimePassed = FPSClock.tick(60) / 1000.0 # 绘制球 Screen.blit(Ball, (BallX, BallY)) BallX += BallXSpeed * SecondTimePassed BallY += BallYSpeed * SecondTimePassed # 判断球边界条件 if BallX > 500 - Ball.get_width(): BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallX = 500 - Ball.get_width() elif BallX < 0: BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallX = 0 if BallY > 720 - Ball.get_width(): BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed BallY = 720 - Ball.get_width() elif BallY < 0: BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed BallY = 0 # 定位挡板移动后坐标 BaffleX -= BaffleMove[K_LEFT] * BaffleXSpeed * SecondTimePassed BaffleX += BaffleMove[K_RIGHT] * BaffleXSpeed * SecondTimePassed BaffleY -= BaffleMove[K_UP] * BaffleYSpeed * SecondTimePassed BaffleY += BaffleMove[K_DOWN] * BaffleYSpeed * SecondTimePassed # 判断挡板边界条件 if BaffleX > 500 - Baffle.get_width(): BaffleX = 500 - Baffle.get_width() elif BaffleX < 0: BaffleX = 0 if BaffleY > 720 - 45 - Baffle.get_height(): BaffleY = 720 - 45 - Baffle.get_height() elif BaffleY < 720 - Baffle.get_height() * 3: BaffleY = 720 - Baffle.get_height() * 3 # 绘制挡板 Screen.blit(Baffle, (BaffleX, BaffleY)) # 判断球碰撞挡板条件 # 挡板左上角 if BallX == BaffleX - Ball.get_width() and BallY == BaffleY - Ball.get_height(): BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板左下角 elif BallX == BaffleX - Ball.get_width() and BallY == BaffleY + Baffle.get_height(): BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板右上角 elif BallX == BaffleX + Baffle.get_width() and BallY == BaffleY - Ball.get_height(): BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板右下角 elif BallX == BaffleX + Baffle.get_width() and BallY == BaffleY + Baffle.get_height(): BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板上表面 elif BallX > BaffleX and BallX < BaffleX + Baffle.get_width() and BallY > BaffleY - Ball.get_height() and BallY < BaffleY: BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed BallY = BaffleY - Ball.get_height() CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板下表面 elif BallX > BaffleX and BallX < BaffleX + Baffle.get_width() and BallY < BaffleY + Baffle.get_height() and BallY > BaffleY: BallYSpeed = -BallYSpeed BallY = BaffleY + Baffle.get_height() CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板左侧面 elif BallY > BaffleY and BallY < BaffleY + Baffle.get_height() and BallX > BaffleX - Ball.get_width() and BallX < BaffleX: BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallX = BaffleX CollisionMusic.play() # 挡板右侧面 elif BallY > BaffleY and BallY < BaffleY + Baffle.get_height() and BallX > BaffleX + Baffle.get_width() - Ball.get_width() and BallX < BaffleX + Baffle.get_width(): BallXSpeed = -BallXSpeed BallX = BaffleX + Baffle.get_width() CollisionMusic.play() if BallY > 720 - 45: GameResult = RunTimeStr GameOverMusic.play() return GameResult # 刷新显示 pygame.display.update() def GameResult(GameResult): # 游戏结果背景Surface对象 GameResultBackground = pygame.image.load('GameResultBackground.png').convert() # 游戏结果引导 ResultHint = pygame.image.load('ResultFont.png').convert_alpha() # 游戏结果Font对象 GameResultFont = pygame.font.Font('EuroBold.ttf', 100) # 重新开始按钮 ReStartButton = pygame.image.load('ReStartButton.png').convert_alpha() # 重新开始Hover按钮 ReStartButtonHover = pygame.image.load('ReStartButtonHover.png').convert_alpha() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and 150 <= event.pos[ 0] <= 150 + ReStartButton.get_width() and 450 <= event.pos[1] <= 450 + ReStartButton.get_height(): ButtonMusic.play() return True # 游戏结果背景 Screen.blit(GameResultBackground, (0, 0)) # 游戏结果引导 Screen.blit(ResultHint, (45, 200)) RunTimeSurface = GameResultFont.render(GameResult, True, (255, 69, 0)) Screen.blit(RunTimeSurface, (90, 270)) # 重新开始游戏按钮 MouseX, MouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if 150 <= MouseX <= 150 + ReStartButton.get_width() and 450 <= MouseY <= 450 + ReStartButton.get_height(): Screen.blit(ReStartButtonHover, (150, 450)) else: Screen.blit(ReStartButton, (150, 450)) # 游戏结果 pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': flag = True while flag: GameResultStr = GameStart() if GameResultStr != '': flag = GameResult(GameResultStr)