十余年的安龙网站建设经验,针对设计、前端、开发、售后、文案、推广等六对一服务,响应快,48小时及时工作处理。成都全网营销的优势是能够根据用户设备显示端的尺寸不同,自动调整安龙建站的显示方式,使网站能够适用不同显示终端,在浏览器中调整网站的宽度,无论在任何一种浏览器上浏览网站,都能展现优雅布局与设计,从而大程度地提升浏览体验。创新互联建站从事“安龙网站设计”,“安龙网站推广”以来,每个客户项目都认真落实执行。1. 求两个经纬点的方位角,P0(latA, lonA), P1(latB, lonB)(很多博客写的不是很好,这里总结一下)
def getDegree(latA, lonA, latB, lonB): """ Args: point p1(latA, lonA) point p2(latB, lonB) Returns: bearing between the two GPS points, default: the basis of heading direction is north """ radLatA = radians(latA) radLonA = radians(lonA) radLatB = radians(latB) radLonB = radians(lonB) dLon = radLonB - radLonA y = sin(dLon) * cos(radLatB) x = cos(radLatA) * sin(radLatB) - sin(radLatA) * cos(radLatB) * cos(dLon) brng = degrees(atan2(y, x)) brng = (brng + 360) % 360 return brng
2. 求两个经纬点的距离函数:P0(latA, lonA), P1(latB, lonB)
def getDistance(latA, lonA, latB, lonB): ra = 6378140 # radius of equator: meter rb = 6356755 # radius of polar: meter flatten = (ra - rb) / ra # Partial rate of the earth # change angle to radians radLatA = radians(latA) radLonA = radians(lonA) radLatB = radians(latB) radLonB = radians(lonB) pA = atan(rb / ra * tan(radLatA)) pB = atan(rb / ra * tan(radLatB)) x = acos(sin(pA) * sin(pB) + cos(pA) * cos(pB) * cos(radLonA - radLonB)) c1 = (sin(x) - x) * (sin(pA) + sin(pB))**2 / cos(x / 2)**2 c2 = (sin(x) + x) * (sin(pA) - sin(pB))**2 / sin(x / 2)**2 dr = flatten / 8 * (c1 - c2) distance = ra * (x + dr) return distance