ScyllaDB 安装配置 1.说明: scylladb支持centos7.2 64位 及以上版本 相关信息:http://docs.scylladb.com/getting-started/centos_rpm/# 2.安装 sudo yum remove -y abrt sudo yum install epel-release wget sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/scylla.repo http://downloads.scylladb.com/rpm/centos/scylla-1.6.repo sudo yum install scylla sudo scylla_setup Do you want to run kernel version check? [YES/no]yes Do you verify ScyllaDB packages installed? [YES/no]yes Do you want to enable ScyllaDB services? [YES/no]no //这一步配置服务是否开机启动 Do you want to disable SELinux? [YES/no]yes Do you want to setup bootloader options? [YES/no]yes Do you want to setup NTP? [YES/no]no Do you want to setup RAID and XFS? [YES/no]yes //是否配置单独的XFS分区作为RAID #测试时可以选no > /dev/sdb1 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb type ‘done’ to finish selection. selected: /dev/sdb > done Do you want to setup coredump? [YES/no]yes Do you want to setup sysconfig? [YES/no]yes > eth2 //这个网口将被DPDK接管 。 Do you want to optimize NIC queue settings? Do you want to setup IO configuration? [YES/no]yes Do you want to install node exporter, that exports prometheus data from the node? [YES/no]yes ScyllaDB setup finished. 启动服务:sudo systemctl start scylla-server.service 查看:nodetool status 进入数据库环境:cqlsh ################################################### 操作: keyspace有两种策略: create KEYSPACE rootdata2 WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2}; #复制策略:SimpleStrategy,冗余2份数据: CREATE KEYSPACE rootdata2 WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' :3 }; #复制策略:NetworkTopologyStrategy,冗余3份数据(配置可用) 查看key: describe rootdata2; 使用rootdata2创建表: use rootdata2; create table blog(id timeuuid , title text, content text, tags list, category text, primary key(id)); INSERT INTO blog (id, title , tags ) VALUES ( now(), 'cassandra table test', ['cassandra','table']); INSERT INTO blog (id, title , tags ) VALUES ( now(), 'cassandra table test', ['cassandra','table']) USING TTL 222; 删除单个keyspace: drop keyspace rootdata; ####################################################