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获取Python正则表达式所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by the regex)

regex=ur"..." #正则表达式  match =, subject)  if match:  result =  else:  result = ""

获取捕获组所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a capturing group)

regex=ur"..." #正则表达式  match =, subject)  if match:  result =  else:  result = ""

获取有名组所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a named group)

regex=ur"..." #正则表达式  match =, subject)  if match:  result ="groupname")  else:  result = ""

将字符串中所有匹配的子串放入数组中(Get an array of all regex matches in a string)

reresult = re.findall(regex, subject)

遍历所有匹配的子串(Iterate over all matches in a string)

for match in re.finditer(r"<(.*?)\s*.*?/\1>", subject)  # match start: match.start()  # match end (exclusive): match.end()  # matched text:

通过Python正则表达式 字符串创建一个正则表达式对象(Create an object to use the same regex for many operations)

rereobj = re.compile(regex)

用法1的Python正则表达式对象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether (part of) a string can be matched)

rereobj = re.compile(regex)  if  do_something()  else:  do_anotherthing()

用法2的Python正则表达式对象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether a string can be matched entirely)

rereobj = re.compile(r"\Z") #正则表达式末尾以\Z 结束  if reobj.match(subject):  do_something()  else:  do_anotherthing()

