
  1. # 查看导入的文本文件,里面是具体的redis命令
  2. # cat 20180208.txt
  3. hdel user.user.base 317986
  4. hdel user.user.base 371149
  5. hdel user.user.base 370964
  6. hdel user.user.base 371291
  7. hdel user.user.base 370906
  8. hdel user.user.base 371035
  9. hdel user.user.base 371086
  10. hdel user.user.base 371042
  11. hdel user.user.base 370838
  12. hdel user.user.base 371347
  13. hdel user.user.base 371065
  14. hdel user.user.base 371280
  15. hdel user.user.base 371307

  16. 在redis-cli客户端工具中,有管道选项
  17. # redis-cli --help
  18. --pipe Transfer raw Redis protocol from stdin to server.

  19. 执行数据导入
  20. # cat 20180208.txt | /usr/bin/redis-cli --pipe
  21. All data transferred. Waiting for the last reply...
  22. Last reply received from server.
  23. errors: 0, replies: 593
