


create  tablespace users 
datafile  'D:\Oracle\oracle\oradata\users.dbf'
size 100m 
autoextend on 
next 100m maxsize 20480m 
extent management local; 



            create user hy_pubres identified by 123; 

            grant create session to hy_pubres; 
            grant create table to  hy_pubres; 
            grant create tablespace to  hy_pubres; 
            grant create view to  hy_pubres; 
            alter user hy_pubres quota unlimited on icity;
            alter user hy_pubres quota unlimited on users;

grant create job to HY_PUBRES;
grant create procedure to HY_PUBRES;
grant create sequence to HY_PUBRES;
grant create session to HY_PUBRES;
grant create table to HY_PUBRES;
grant create tablespace to HY_PUBRES;
grant create trigger to HY_PUBRES;
grant create view to HY_PUBRES;
