做越狱应用和插件开发,经常会调用 system 去执行系统命令,早在 Xcode 7,使用 system 函数提示警告:
'system' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 8.0 - Use posix_spawn APIs installd
只是警告,还是可以正常编译和使用,但是升级到 Xcode 9,system 函数就从 SDK 中移除了,不能再使用了,提示:
'system' is unavailable: not available on iOS
替代的方法一般有三种,第一种是使用 posix_spawn,代码如下:
pid_t pid; char *argv[] = { "/bin/ls", //path "-al", //parameter1 "/", //parameter2 NULL }; posix_spawn(&pid, argv[0], NULL, NULL, argv, NULL); printf("pid=%d,child pid = %d\n",getpid(),pid); int stat; waitpid(pid,&stat,0); printf("stat is %d\n",stat);
第二种是使用 NSTask,代码如下:
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init]; task.launchPath = @"/bin/ls"; task.arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"-al", @"/", nil]; [task launch]; [task waitUntilExit];
NSTask.h 头文件信息如下:
#import@class NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary; @interface NSTask : NSObject // Create an NSTask which can be run at a later time // An NSTask can only be run once. Subsequent attempts to // run an NSTask will raise. // Upon task death a notification will be sent // { Name = NSTaskDidTerminateNotification; object = task; } // - (instancetype)init; // set parameters // these methods can only be done before a launch // if not set, use current // if not set, use current // set standard I/O channels; may be either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe - (void)setStandardInput:(id)input; - (void)setStandardOutput:(id)output; - (void)setStandardError:(id)error; // get parameters @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, copy) NSString *launchPath; @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, copy) NSArray *arguments; @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, copy) NSDictionary *environment; @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, copy) NSString *currentDirectoryPath; // get standard I/O channels; could be either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe - (id)standardInput; - (id)standardOutput; - (id)standardError; // actions - (void)launch; - (void)interrupt; // Not always possible. Sends SIGINT. - (void)terminate; // Not always possible. Sends SIGTERM. @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly) BOOL suspend; @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly) BOOL resume; // status @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly) int processIdentifier; @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, getter=isRunning, readonly) BOOL running; @property (NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY, readonly) int terminationStatus; @end @interface NSTask (NSTaskConveniences) + (NSTask *)launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:(NSString *)path arguments:(NSArray *)arguments; // convenience; create and launch - (void)waitUntilExit; // poll the runLoop in defaultMode until task completes @end FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const NSTaskDidTerminateNotification;
如果非要调用 system 函数不可,那就使用第三种方法,找到 system 函数地址直接调用,方法参见: 动态调用函数,具体代码如下:
typedef int (*my_system) (const char *str); int call_system(const char *str){ //动态库路径 char *dylib_path = "/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib"; //打开动态库 void *handle = dlopen(dylib_path, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW); if (handle == NULL) { //打开动态库出错 fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); } else { //获取 system 地址 my_system system = dlsym(handle, "system"); //地址获取成功则调用 if (system) { int ret = system(str); return ret; } dlclose(handle); //关闭句柄 } return -1; }
这样 call_system 函数就相当于 system 的功能了,替换即可。