1. XML文件的节点信息:
1 TNSLogon ELOG ASD asd 1 3 TNSLogon NAV12C2 navdev navdev 0 5 DirectLogon RTTD devman devman 0
2. 判断当前系统的MSXML.dll组件的版本(由于系统中一般会有多个版本,这里就只取大的版本)
Function iGetMSxmlVersion() Dim SystemPath, fso, f, fa, fname, iVersion, iMaxVersion SystemPath = "C:\Windows\System32" 'system path Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FolderExists(SystemPath) Then Set f = fso.GetFolder(SystemPath) Set fa = f.Files iMaxVersion = 0 ' calc the amount of files For Each fname in fa If Instr(fname,"msxml")>0 Then iVersion = Mid(fname.name,6,1) If IsNumeric(iVersion) Then If iMaxVersion < iVersion Then iMaxVersion = iVersion End If End If End If Next If iMaxVersion >0 Then iGetMSxmlVersion = iMaxVersion Log.Message("The max MSxml version is: " + iMaxVersion) Else iGetMSxmlVersion = 0 Log.Error("The current system not exist MSxml module.") End If End If End Function
3. 读取xml文件函数:
Function sGetDataFromXML(sXmlPath, sRoot, sNode, iDataID, sColumn) Dim xmlVersion xmlVersion = iGetMSxmlVersion If sXmlPath <> "" and sRoot <> "" and sNode <> "" and iDataID <>"" and sColumn <> "" Then If xmlVersion <> 0 Then ' Create COM object Set Doc = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument."+ xmlVersion +".0") ' you can also use the following method to create XMLDOM object 'Set Doc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Doc.async = False ' Load data from a file ' We use the file created earlier Call Doc.load(sXmlPath) ' Report an error, if, for instance, the markup or file structure is invalid If Doc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then s = "Reason:" + Chr(9) + Doc.parseError.reason + _ "Line:" + Chr(9) + CStr(Doc.parseError.line) + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + _ "Pos:" + Chr(9) + CStr(Doc.parseError.linePos) + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + _ "Source:" + Chr(9) + Doc.parseError.srcText ' Post an error to the log and exit Call Log.Error("Cannot parse the document.", s) Exit Function End If ' Use an XPath expression to obtain a list of "control" nodes Set Nodes = Doc.selectNodes("/" + sRoot + "/" + sNode + "[DataID=" + CStr(iDataID) + "]/" + sColumn) If Not(Nodes.item(0) is Nothing) Then Call Log.Message("Data from XML: " + Nodes.item(0).text) sGetTestDataFromXML = Nodes.item(0).text Else Log.Error("Read XML nodes occur errors.") Exit Function End If Set Nodes = Nothing Set Doc = Nothing Else Exit Function End If Else Log.Error("Function sGetTestDataFromXML() occur incorrect parameters.") Exit Function End If End Function
4. TestComplete中测试脚本及log输出:
Sub Test Dim strXmlPath, strTNSName, strUserame, strPassword strXmlPath=Project.Path + "Data\TC_TNSInfo.xml" log.Message(strXmlPath) If aqFile.Exists(strXmlPath) Then strTNSName = sGetTestDataFromXML(strXmlPath, "TC_TestLogon", "TNSLogon", 3, "I_TNSName") strUserame = sGetTestDataFromXML(strXmlPath, "TC_TestLogon", "TNSLogon", 3, "I_Username") strPassword = sGetTestDataFromXML(strXmlPath, "TC_TestLogon", "TNSLogon", 3, "I_Password") log.Message("TNSName is :"+strTNSName) log.Message("Username is :"+strUserame) log.Message("Password is :"+strPassword) End If End Sub