root@docker:~# ./control.sh What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''): access Please input the specific container's name:web1 root@050ebb07cf25:/# #已经进入docker容器,输入exit退出,不过脚本也会退出
root@docker:~# ./control.sh What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''): help ################################################################################################################################ The helping information about this script ################################################################################################################################ COMMAND INFO ################################################################################################################################ 'status' get the info about the running containers. 'access' access the specific contianer. 'manage' manage the contianer,such as 'start','stop' and 'delete'. 'exit' exit this script. 'statusa' show the infomation about all containers. 'statusl' show the latest infomation about container. ################################################################################################################################ MAINCOMMAND SUBCOMMAND INFO ################################################################################################################################ 'manage' 'start' launch a exist contianer 'manage' 'stop' stop a running container 'manage' 'delete' detele a not-running container 'manage' 'status' get the info about the running containers 'manage' 'statusa' show the infomation about all containers. 'manage' 'statusl' show the latest infomation about container. ################################################################################################################################ What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''):
root@docker:~# ./control.sh What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''): manage Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: status Running container: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 050ebb07cf25 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 12 minutes ago Up 12 minutes>5000/tcp web1 0ef5d56e4c89 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 12 minutes ago Up 12 minutes>5000/tcp web1/webbase,webbase Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: web1 Do you want to 'start' or 'stop' or 'delete' your container?: stop Notice:container is stopping web1 Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?:
Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: web1 Do you want to 'start' or 'stop' or 'delete' your container?: start Notice:Please make sure this container is not running web1 Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: status Running container: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 050ebb07cf25 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 14 minutes ago Up 6 seconds>5000/tcp web1 0ef5d56e4c89 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 14 minutes ago Up 14 minutes>5000/tcp web1/webbase,webbase Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?:
Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: web1 Do you want to 'start' or 'stop' or 'delete' your container?: stop Notice:container is stopping web1 Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: status Running container: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 0ef5d56e4c89 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 15 minutes ago Up 15 minutes>5000/tcp web1/webbase,webbase #web1被关闭 Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: web1 Do you want to 'start' or 'stop' or 'delete' your container?: delete Notice:You cannot delete a running container,if the container is running,please stop it first! web1 Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: statusa All infomation about containers:\n CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 0ef5d56e4c89 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 17 minutes ago Up 17 minutes>5000/tcp webbase 4de1685a386e training/webapp:latest "/bin/bash" 37 hours ago Exited (0) 37 hours ago backstabbing_lovelace c915cb516b02 training/webapp:latest "python app.py" 37 hours ago Exited (-1) 37 hours ago clever_mccarthy #没有web1的相关信息了
root@docker:~# ./control.sh What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''): manage Please input the container name which you want to manage,or 'exit',or 'help'?: exit #退出manage会话 Exiting What you want to do?try input 'help' to get some tips(please input the words in ''): exit #主会话中退出 root@docker:~#