成都创新互联总部坐落于成都市区,致力网站建设服务有成都网站设计、成都网站建设、网络营销策划、网页设计、网站维护、公众号搭建、重庆小程序开发公司、软件开发等为企业提供一整套的信息化建设解决方案。创造真正意义上的网站建设,为互联网品牌在互动行销领域创造价值而不懈努力!css ccolumns属性用法
1.column-width 列的宽度
2.column-count 列数
Internet Explorer 10 和 Opera 支持 column 属性
Firefox 支持替代的 -moz-column 属性
Safari 和 Chrome 支持替代的 -webkit-column 属性
This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets laid out in multiple columns.
This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets laid out in multiple columns.
On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of usingn to another on various output devices including speech
On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of usingn to another on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.
This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns.
On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.