create table test( id int8, crt_time timestamp, -- Time pos geometry, -- Location obj jsonb -- Object description );
create table test( id int8, crt_time timestamp, -- Time pos geometry, -- Location c1 int, -- Some property examples c2 int, c3 text, c4 float8, c5 int, c6 date, c7 text, c8 int, c9 int, c10 int );
select * from test where pos <-> ? < ? and crt_time between ? and ? and ( (c1 = ? and c2 between ? and ?) or c10=?) ... ;
create index idx_test_1 on test using brin(crt_time);
1. 几何类型的GIST索引
create index idx_test_2 on test using gist(pos);
2. 几何类型的主索引
create index idx_test_2 on test using spgist(pos);
3. Geohash和B-tree索引(将经度和纬度转换为Geohash并为hash值创建B-tree索引)。只需使用表达式索引。
create index idx_test_3 on test using btree( ST_GeoHash(pos,15) );
GIN 索引
create extension btree_gin;
create index idx_test_4 on test using gin( obj );
create index idx_test_4 on test using gin( c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9 );
但是,可以同时使用这些索引吗? PostgreSQL为多个索引提供bitmapAnd及bitmapOr接口。它们可以组合多个索引,减少需要扫描的数据库数量。
Heap, one square = one page: +---------------------------------------------+ |c____u_____X___u___X_________u___cXcc______u_| +---------------------------------------------+ Rows marked c match customers pkey condition. Rows marked u match username condition. Rows marked X match both conditions. Bitmap scan from customers_pkey: +---------------------------------------------+ |100000000001000000010000000000000111100000000| bitmap 1 +---------------------------------------------+ One bit per heap page, in the same order as the heap Bits 1 when condition matches, 0 if not Bitmap scan from ix_cust_username: +---------------------------------------------+ |000001000001000100010000000001000010000000010| bitmap 2 +---------------------------------------------+ Once the bitmaps are created a bitwise AND is performed on them: +---------------------------------------------+ |100000000001000000010000000000000111100000000| bitmap 1 |000001000001000100010000000001000010000000010| bitmap 2 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |000000000001000000010000000000000010000000000| Combined bitmap +-----------+-------+--------------+----------+ | | | v v v Used to scan the heap only for matching pages: +---------------------------------------------+ |___________X_______X______________X__________| +---------------------------------------------+ The bitmap heap scan then seeks to the start of each page and reads the page: +---------------------------------------------+ |___________X_______X______________X__________| +---------------------------------------------+ seek------->^seek-->^seek--------->^ | | | ------------------------ only these pages read
select * from test where c1 ... and crt_time between ? and ? and test->> c1 in (?, ? ...);
1. 单一分区
create table test( id int8, crt_time timestamp, -- Time pos geometry, -- Location obj jsonb -- Object description ) PARTITION BY range (crt_time) ; create table test_201701 PARTITION OF test for values FROM ( 2017-01-01 ) TO ( 2017-02-01 ); ......
2. 多层分区
create table test_201701 PARTITION OF test for values FROM ( 2017-01-01 ) TO ( 2017-02-01 ) partition by range(st_geohash(pos,15)); ... create table test_201701_prefix1 PARTITION OF test for values FROM ( xxxx1 ) TO ( xxxx2 ); -- Generate BOX (GRID) on a map, find corresponding boundaries and use -- boundaries as partitioning conditions
create index idx_20170101 on tbl using gist (pos) where crt_time between 2017-01-01 and 2017-01-02 ; ... create index idx_20170102 on tbl using gist (pos) where crt_time between 2017-01-02 and 2017-01-03 ; ...
select * from tbl where crt_time between 2017-01-01 and 2017-01-02 -- Time and (pos <-> ?) < ? -- Distance to a point to be searched for and ? -- Other conditions order by pos <-> ? -- Sort by distance limit ?; -- Number of results to be returned
create index idx_20170101_mod0 on tbl using gist (pos) where crt_time between 2017-01-01 and 2017-01-02 and dtype=0; ... create index idx_20170101_mod1 on tbl using gist (pos) where crt_time between 2017-01-01 and 2017-01-02 and dtype=1; ...
select * from tbl where crt_time between 2017-01-01 and 2017-01-02 -- Time and (pos <-> ?) < ? -- Distance to a point to be searched for and dtype=0 -- Object condition and ? -- Other conditions order by pos <-> ? -- Sort by distance limit ?; -- Number of results to be returned
1. 创建对象提要数据表
postgres=# create table tbl (id int, info text, crt_time timestamp, pos point, c1 int , c2 int, c3 int ); CREATE TABLE
2. 将5000万条测试数据写入表中
postgres=# insert into tbl select generate_series(1,50000000), md5(random()::text), clock_timestamp(), point(180-random()*180, 90-random()*90), random()*10000, random()*5000, random()*1000; INSERT 0 50000000
3. 创建对象索引
postgres=# create index idx_tbl_1 on tbl using gin (info, c1, c2, c3); CREATE INDEX
4. 创建时间索引
postgres=# create index idx_tbl_2 on tbl using btree (crt_time); CREATE INDEX
5. 创建空间索引
postgres=# create index idx_tbl_3 on tbl using gist (pos); CREATE INDEX
6. 生成数据布局以方便后续查询
postgres=# select min(crt_time),max(crt_time),count(*) from tbl; min | max | count ----------------------------+----------------------------+---------- 2017-07-22 17:59:34.136497 | 2017-07-22 18:01:27.233688 | 50000000 (1 row)
7. 创建一个极限KNN查询函数
create or replace function ff(point, float8, int) returns setof tid as $ declare v_rec record; v_limit int := $3; begin set local enable_seqscan=off; -- Force index that exits when scanned rows reach a specific number for v_rec in select *, (pos <-> $1) as dist, ctid from tbl order by pos <-> $1 loop if v_limit <=0 then -- raise notice "Sufficient data obtained" return; end if; if v_rec.dist > $2 then -- raise notice "All matching points returned" return; else return next v_rec.ctid; end if; v_limit := v_limit -1; end loop; end; $ language plpgsql strict volatile; postgres=# select * from ff(point (100,100) ,100,100) ; ff ------------- (407383,11) (640740,9) (26073,51) (642750,34) ... (100 rows) Time: 1.061 ms
8. CTID合并检索
( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ) and pos <-> point (0,0) < 5 and crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 ;
1. 54,907条记录
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on postgres.tbl (cost=820.07..65393.94 rows=54151 width=73) (actual time=23.842..91.911 rows=54907 loops=1) Output: id, info, crt_time, pos, c1, c2, c3 Recheck Cond: (tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) Heap Blocks: exact=52778 Buffers: shared hit=52866 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..806.54 rows=54151 width=0) (actual time=14.264..14.264 rows=54907 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) Buffers: shared hit=88 Planning time: 0.105 ms Execution time: 94.606 ms (10 rows)
2. 95,147条记录
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where c2<10; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on postgres.tbl (cost=835.73..112379.10 rows=99785 width=73) (actual time=69.243..179.388 rows=95147 loops=1) Output: id, info, crt_time, pos, c1, c2, c3 Recheck Cond: (tbl.c2 < 10) Heap Blocks: exact=88681 Buffers: shared hit=88734 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..810.79 rows=99785 width=0) (actual time=53.612..53.612 rows=95147 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c2 < 10) Buffers: shared hit=53 Planning time: 0.094 ms Execution time: 186.201 ms (10 rows)
3. 149930条记录(为快速获得结果,PostgreSQL使用位图进行合并扫描)
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 <10; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on postgres.tbl (cost=1694.23..166303.58 rows=153828 width=73) (actual time=98.988..266.852 rows=149930 loops=1) Output: id, info, crt_time, pos, c1, c2, c3 Recheck Cond: ((tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) OR (tbl.c2 < 10)) Heap Blocks: exact=134424 Buffers: shared hit=134565 -> BitmapOr (cost=1694.23..1694.23 rows=153936 width=0) (actual time=73.763..73.763 rows=0 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=141 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..806.54 rows=54151 width=0) (actual time=16.733..16.733 rows=54907 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) Buffers: shared hit=88 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..810.79 rows=99785 width=0) (actual time=57.029..57.029 rows=95147 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c2 < 10) Buffers: shared hit=53 Planning time: 0.149 ms Execution time: 274.548 ms (15 rows)
4. 60,687条记录(即使运用出色的KNN性能优化,仍然需要耗费195毫秒)。
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from ff(point (0,0) ,5,1000000); QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Scan on postgres.ff (cost=0.25..10.25 rows=1000 width=6) (actual time=188.563..192.114 rows=60687 loops=1) Output: ff Function Call: ff( (0,0) ::point, 5 ::double precision, 1000000) Buffers: shared hit=61296 Planning time: 0.029 ms Execution time: 195.097 ms (6 rows)
5. 2,640,751条记录
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select ctid from tbl where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ); QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on postgres.tbl (cost=35025.85..44822.94 rows=7576 width=6) (actual time=205.577..214.821 rows=7847 loops=1) Output: ctid Recheck Cond: (((tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) OR (tbl.c2 < 10)) AND (tbl.crt_time >= 2017-07-22 17:59:34 ::timestamp without time zone) AND (tbl.crt_time <= 2017-07-22 17:59:40 ::timestamp without time zone)) Heap Blocks: exact=6983 Buffers: shared hit=14343 -> BitmapAnd (cost=35025.85..35025.85 rows=7581 width=0) (actual time=204.048..204.048 rows=0 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=7360 -> BitmapOr (cost=1621.11..1621.11 rows=153936 width=0) (actual time=70.279..70.279 rows=0 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=141 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..806.54 rows=54151 width=0) (actual time=15.860..15.860 rows=54907 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) Buffers: shared hit=88 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..810.79 rows=99785 width=0) (actual time=54.418..54.418 rows=95147 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c2 < 10) Buffers: shared hit=53 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_2 (cost=0.00..33402.60 rows=2462443 width=0) (actual time=127.101..127.101 rows=2640751 loops=1) Index Cond: ((tbl.crt_time >= 2017-07-22 17:59:34 ::timestamp without time zone) AND (tbl.crt_time <= 2017-07-22 17:59:40 ::timestamp without time zone)) Buffers: shared hit=7219 Planning time: 0.203 ms Execution time: 216.697 ms (20 rows)
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from ff(point (0,0) ,5,1000000); QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Scan on postgres.ff (cost=0.25..10.25 rows=1000 width=6) (actual time=188.563..192.114 rows=60687 loops=1) Output: ff Function Call: ff( (0,0) ::point, 5 ::double precision, 1000000) Buffers: shared hit=61296 Planning time: 0.029 ms Execution time: 195.097 ms (6 rows)
select * from ff(point (0,0) ,5,1000000) intersect select ctid from tbl where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ); ff ------------ (1394,8) (3892,50) (6124,45) (7235,8) (7607,45) (11540,8) (13397,31) (14266,36) (18149,7) (19256,44) (24671,62) (26525,64) (30235,48) (13 rows) Time: 463.012 ms
select * from tbl where ctid = any ( array( -- array start select * from ff(point (0,0) ,5,1000000) intersect select ctid from tbl where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ) ) -- array end ); id | info | crt_time | pos | c1 | c2 | c3 ---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+------+------+----- 104558 | c4699c933d4e2d2a10d828c4ff0b3362 | 2017-07-22 17:59:34.362508 | (4.20534582808614,2.43749532848597) | 99 | 4858 | 543 291950 | 1c2901689ab1eb7653d8ad972f7aa376 | 2017-07-22 17:59:34.776808 | (2.5384977646172,1.09820357523859) | 3 | 2131 | 360 459345 | 9e46548f29d914019ce53a589be8ebac | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.148699 | (0.715781506150961,3.1486327573657) | 1 | 1276 | 8 542633 | c422d6137f9111d5c2dc723b40c7023f | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.334278 | (0.0631888210773468,2.2334903664887) | 4968 | 3 | 245 570570 | fc57bfc6b7781d89b17c90417bd306f7 | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.39653 | (3.14926156774163,1.04107855819166) | 88 | 2560 | 561 865508 | 34509c7f7640afaf288a5e1d38199701 | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.052573 | (3.12869547866285,2.34822122845799) | 2 | 65 | 875 1004806 | afe9f88cbebf615a7ae5f41180c4b33f | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.362027 | (1.13972157239914,3.28763140831143) | 3 | 1639 | 208 1069986 | 6b9f27bfde993fb0bae3336ac010af7a | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.507775 | (4.51995821669698,2.08761331625283) | 2 | 200 | 355 1361182 | 7c4c1c208c2b2b21f00772c43955d238 | 2017-07-22 17:59:37.155127 | (1.7334086727351,2.18367457855493) | 9742 | 0 | 232 1444244 | 41bf6f8e4b89458c13fb408a7db05284 | 2017-07-22 17:59:37.339594 | (0.52773853763938,2.16670122463256) | 1 | 2470 | 820 1850387 | 6e0011c6db76075edd2aa7f81ec94129 | 2017-07-22 17:59:38.243091 | (0.0168232340365648,0.420973123982549) | 100 | 4395 | 321 1989439 | 6211907ac254a4a3ca54f90822a2095e | 2017-07-22 17:59:38.551637 | (0.0274275150150061,0.490507003851235) | 1850 | 5 | 74 2267673 | 898fdd54dcc5b14c27cf1c8b9afe2471 | 2017-07-22 17:59:39.170035 | (0.394239127635956,2.86229319870472) | 2892 | 6 | 917 (13 rows) Time: 462.715 ms
9. 测试原始SQL查询的性能: PostgreSQL Multi-Index BitmapAnd and BitmapOr跳过扫描
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) select * from tbl where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ) and pos <-> point (0,0) < 5; Bitmap Heap Scan on postgres.tbl (cost=35022.06..44857.06 rows=2525 width=73) (actual time=205.542..214.547 rows=13 loops=1) Output: id, info, crt_time, pos, c1, c2, c3 Recheck Cond: (((tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) OR (tbl.c2 < 10)) AND (tbl.crt_time >= 2017-07-22 17:59:34 ::timestamp without time zone) AND (tbl.crt_time <= 2017-07-22 17:59:40 ::timestamp without time zone)) Filter: ((tbl.pos <-> (0,0) ::point) < 5 ::double precision) Rows Removed by Filter: 7834 Heap Blocks: exact=6983 Buffers: shared hit=14343 -> BitmapAnd (cost=35022.06..35022.06 rows=7581 width=0) (actual time=203.620..203.620 rows=0 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=7360 -> BitmapOr (cost=1618.58..1618.58 rows=153936 width=0) (actual time=71.660..71.660 rows=0 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=141 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..806.54 rows=54151 width=0) (actual time=14.861..14.861 rows=54907 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c1 = ANY ( {1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55} ::integer[])) Buffers: shared hit=88 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..810.79 rows=99785 width=0) (actual time=56.797..56.797 rows=95147 loops=1) Index Cond: (tbl.c2 < 10) Buffers: shared hit=53 -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_2 (cost=0.00..33402.60 rows=2462443 width=0) (actual time=125.255..125.255 rows=2640751 loops=1) Index Cond: ((tbl.crt_time >= 2017-07-22 17:59:34 ::timestamp without time zone) AND (tbl.crt_time <= 2017-07-22 17:59:40 ::timestamp without time zone)) Buffers: shared hit=7219 Planning time: 0.160 ms Execution time: 216.797 ms (22 rows)
select * from tbl where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ) and pos <-> point (0,0) < 5; id | info | crt_time | pos | c1 | c2 | c3 ---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+------+------+----- 104558 | c4699c933d4e2d2a10d828c4ff0b3362 | 2017-07-22 17:59:34.362508 | (4.20534582808614,2.43749532848597) | 99 | 4858 | 543 291950 | 1c2901689ab1eb7653d8ad972f7aa376 | 2017-07-22 17:59:34.776808 | (2.5384977646172,1.09820357523859) | 3 | 2131 | 360 459345 | 9e46548f29d914019ce53a589be8ebac | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.148699 | (0.715781506150961,3.1486327573657) | 1 | 1276 | 8 542633 | c422d6137f9111d5c2dc723b40c7023f | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.334278 | (0.0631888210773468,2.2334903664887) | 4968 | 3 | 245 570570 | fc57bfc6b7781d89b17c90417bd306f7 | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.39653 | (3.14926156774163,1.04107855819166) | 88 | 2560 | 561 865508 | 34509c7f7640afaf288a5e1d38199701 | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.052573 | (3.12869547866285,2.34822122845799) | 2 | 65 | 875 1004806 | afe9f88cbebf615a7ae5f41180c4b33f | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.362027 | (1.13972157239914,3.28763140831143) | 3 | 1639 | 208 1069986 | 6b9f27bfde993fb0bae3336ac010af7a | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.507775 | (4.51995821669698,2.08761331625283) | 2 | 200 | 355 1361182 | 7c4c1c208c2b2b21f00772c43955d238 | 2017-07-22 17:59:37.155127 | (1.7334086727351,2.18367457855493) | 9742 | 0 | 232 1444244 | 41bf6f8e4b89458c13fb408a7db05284 | 2017-07-22 17:59:37.339594 | (0.52773853763938,2.16670122463256) | 1 | 2470 | 820 1850387 | 6e0011c6db76075edd2aa7f81ec94129 | 2017-07-22 17:59:38.243091 | (0.0168232340365648,0.420973123982549) | 100 | 4395 | 321 1989439 | 6211907ac254a4a3ca54f90822a2095e | 2017-07-22 17:59:38.551637 | (0.0274275150150061,0.490507003851235) | 1850 | 5 | 74 2267673 | 898fdd54dcc5b14c27cf1c8b9afe2471 | 2017-07-22 17:59:39.170035 | (0.394239127635956,2.86229319870472) | 2892 | 6 | 917 (13 rows)
postgres=# create index idx_tbl_4 on tbl using gist (pos) where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ) ; CREATE INDEX Time: 8359.330 ms (00:08.359)
create or replace function ff(point, float8, int) returns setof record as $ declare v_rec record; v_limit int := $3; begin set local enable_seqscan=off; -- Force index that exits when scanned rows reach a specific number for v_rec in select *, (pos <-> $1) as dist from tbl where crt_time between 2017-07-22 17:59:34 and 2017-07-22 17:59:40 and ( c1 in (1,2,3,4,100,200,99,88,77,66,55) or c2 < 10 ) order by pos <-> $1 loop if v_limit <=0 then -- raise notice "Sufficient data obtained" return; end if; if v_rec.dist > $2 then -- raise notice "All matching points returned" return; else return next v_rec; end if; v_limit := v_limit -1; end loop; end; $ language plpgsql strict volatile;
postgres=# select * from ff(point (0,0) , 5, 10000000) as t(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp, pos point, c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, dist float8); id | info | crt_time | pos | c1 | c2 | c3 | dist ---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+------+------+-----+------------------- 1850387 | 6e0011c6db76075edd2aa7f81ec94129 | 2017-07-22 17:59:38.243091 | (0.0168232340365648,0.420973123982549) | 100 | 4395 | 321 | 0.421309141034319 1989439 | 6211907ac254a4a3ca54f90822a2095e | 2017-07-22 17:59:38.551637 | (0.0274275150150061,0.490507003851235) | 1850 | 5 | 74 | 0.49127323294376 1444244 | 41bf6f8e4b89458c13fb408a7db05284 | 2017-07-22 17:59:37.339594 | (0.52773853763938,2.16670122463256) | 1 | 2470 | 820 | 2.23004532710301 542633 | c422d6137f9111d5c2dc723b40c7023f | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.334278 | (0.0631888210773468,2.2334903664887) | 4968 | 3 | 245 | 2.23438404136508 291950 | 1c2901689ab1eb7653d8ad972f7aa376 | 2017-07-22 17:59:34.776808 | (2.5384977646172,1.09820357523859) | 3 | 2131 | 360 | 2.76586731309247 1361182 | 7c4c1c208c2b2b21f00772c43955d238 | 2017-07-22 17:59:37.155127 | (1.7334086727351,2.18367457855493) | 9742 | 0 | 232 | 2.78803520274409 2267673 | 898fdd54dcc5b14c27cf1c8b9afe2471 | 2017-07-22 17:59:39.170035 | (0.394239127635956,2.86229319870472) | 2892 | 6 | 917 | 2.88931598221975 459345 | 9e46548f29d914019ce53a589be8ebac | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.148699 | (0.715781506150961,3.1486327573657) | 1 | 1276 | 8 | 3.22896754478952 570570 | fc57bfc6b7781d89b17c90417bd306f7 | 2017-07-22 17:59:35.39653 | (3.14926156774163,1.04107855819166) | 88 | 2560 | 561 | 3.31688000783581 1004806 | afe9f88cbebf615a7ae5f41180c4b33f | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.362027 | (1.13972157239914,3.28763140831143) | 3 | 1639 | 208 | 3.47958123047986 865508 | 34509c7f7640afaf288a5e1d38199701 | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.052573 | (3.12869547866285,2.34822122845799) | 2 | 65 | 875 | 3.91188935630676 104558 | c4699c933d4e2d2a10d828c4ff0b3362 | 2017-07-22 17:59:34.362508 | (4.20534582808614,2.43749532848597) | 99 | 4858 | 543 | 4.86069100130757 1069986 | 6b9f27bfde993fb0bae3336ac010af7a | 2017-07-22 17:59:36.507775 | (4.51995821669698,2.08761331625283) | 2 | 200 | 355 | 4.97877009299311 (13 rows) Time: 0.592 ms
1. 为不同的数据类型构建不同的索引。
2. 方法五提到数据分区。
3. 方法六描述了索引分区。
5. 最好的功夫总是以最大的灵活性、自由和对每一个动作的无限想象为特征。
6. 如何实现极端优化
7. 对于空间数据,除了使用GiST索引,我们还可以使用BRIN索引,这降低了成本。有条理地组织数据后,会使滤波性能良好。