SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='UNDOTBS1';
[oracle@bspdev datafile]$ ls -l | grep undo
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 346038272 Sep 6 07:21 o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf
[oracle@bspdev datafile]$ mv o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf.bak
[oracle@bspdev datafile]$ ls -l | grep undo
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 346038272 Sep 6 07:21 o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf.bak
此时,alert log中可以出现上篇中那个“checker”的工作过程。
Fri Sep 06 07:25:47 2013
Checker run found 1 new persistent data failures
Fri Sep 06 07:26:34 2013
Starting background process SMCO
Fri Sep 06 07:26:34 2013
SMCO started with pid=19, OS id=4819
Fri Sep 06 07:26:46 2013
Errors in file /u01/diag/rdbms/wilson/wilson/trace/wilson_mmnl_4418.trc:
ORA-01116: error in opening database file 3
ORA-01110: data file 3: '/u01/oradata/WILSON/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
Fri Sep 06 07:26:48 2013
Errors in file /u01/diag/rdbms/wilson/wilson/trace/wilson_m000_4835.trc:
ORA-01116: error in opening database file 3
ORA-01110: data file 3: '/u01/oradata/WILSON/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
此时,我们在rman上使用list failure命令,查看生成的错误信息。
RMAN> list failure all;
List of Database Failures
Failure ID Priority Status Time Detected Summary
---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------
242 HIGH OPEN 06-SEP-13 One or more non-system datafiles are missing
我们使用advisor failure,查看一个Oracle的建议。
RMAN> advise failure ;
List of Database Failures
Failure ID Priority Status Time Detected Summary
---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------
242 HIGH OPEN 06-SEP-13 One or more non-system datafiles are missing
analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=30 device type=DISK
analyzing automatic repair options complete
Mandatory Manual Actions
1. If file /u01/oradata/WILSON/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf was unintentionally renamed or moved, restore it
2. Automatic repairs may be available if you shutdown the database and restart it in mount mode
3. Contact Oracle Support Services if the preceding recommendations cannot be used, or if they do not fix the failures selected for repair
Optional Manual Actions
no manual actions available
Automated Repair Options
no automatic repair options available
注意,在automated repair options中,我们没有看到脚本信息。说明Oracle好像在目前也没有太好的方法。在Manual Actions中,Oracle DRA要求将数据库重启到mount状态,才能有自动脚本的出现。Manual Actions是那些Oracle觉得需要用户手工执行才能继续下去的步骤。
RMAN> shutdown abort;
Oracle instance shut down
RMAN> startup mount;
connected to target database (not started)
Oracle instance started
database mounted
Total System Global Area 849530880 bytes
Fixed Size 1339824 bytes
Variable Size 616566352 bytes
Database Buffers 226492416 bytes
Redo Buffers 5132288 bytes
RMAN> advise failure;
List of Database Failures
Failure ID Priority Status Time Detected Summary
---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------
242 HIGH OPEN 06-SEP-13 One or more non-system datafiles are missing
analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=18 device type=DISK
analyzing automatic repair options complete
Mandatory Manual Actions
no manual actions available
Optional Manual Actions
1. If file /u01/oradata/WILSON/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf was unintentionally renamed or moved, restore it
Automated Repair Options
Option Repair Description
------ ------------------
1 Restore and recover datafile 3
Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss
Repair script. /u01/diag/rdbms/wilson/wilson/hm/
使用repair failure review命令来查看执行语句。
RMAN> repair failure preview;
Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss
Repair script. /u01/diag/rdbms/wilson/wilson/hm/
contents of repair script.:
# restore and recover datafile
restore datafile 3;
recover datafile 3;
注意:此时Oracle DRA发现了当前我们有Undo的备份和归档日志。所以使用restore之后伴随recover,可以快速实现恢复。
如果在preview中没有发现什么问题,可以repair failure命令执行进行恢复。
RMAN> repair failure;
Strategy: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss
Repair script. /u01/diag/rdbms/wilson/wilson/hm/
contents of repair script.:
# restore and recover datafile
restore datafile 3;
recover datafile 3;
Do you really want to execute the above repair (enter YES or NO)? yes
executing repair script
Starting restore at 06-SEP-13
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00003 to /u01/oradata/WILSON/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_7xt3yzl5_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/flash_recovery_area/WILSON/backupset/2013_09_06/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130906T061608_92l0od6w_.bkp
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/flash_recovery_area/WILSON/backupset/2013_09_06/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130906T061608_92l0od6w_.bkp tag=TAG20130906T061608
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
Finished restore at 06-SEP-13
Starting recover at 06-SEP-13
using channel ORA_DISK_1
starting media recovery
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
Finished recover at 06-SEP-13
repair failure complete
Do you want to open the database (enter YES or NO)? yes
database opened
我们在alert log中,可以监控到恢复的步骤。
Fri Sep 06 07:35:49 2013
Full restore complete of datafile 3 /u01/oradata/WILSON/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_92l5b0v4_.dbf. Elapsed time: 0:00:15
checkpoint is 3838694
last deallocation scn is 3817636
Undo Optimization current scn is 3815429
Fri Sep 06 07:35:54 2013
alter database recover datafile list clear
Completed: alter database recover datafile list clear
alter database recover if needed
datafile 3
Media Recovery Start
Serial Media Recovery started
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 176 Reading mem 0
Mem# 0: /u01/oradata/WILSON/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_870n48hc_.log
Mem# 1: /u01/flash_recovery_area/WILSON/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_870n4dtl_.log
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 3 Seq 177 Reading mem 0
Mem# 0: /u01/oradata/WILSON/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_870n4lsg_.log
Mem# 1: /u01/flash_recovery_area/WILSON/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_870n4o31_.log
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 178 Reading mem 0
Mem# 0: /u01/oradata/WILSON/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_870n42n1_.log
Mem# 1: /u01/flash_recovery_area/WILSON/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_870n44z3_.log
Media Recovery Complete (wilson)
Completed: alter database recover if needed
datafile 3
Fri Sep 06 07:36:04 2013
alter database open
RMAN> list failure;
no failures found that match specification
最后,我们还有一个命令可以使用,就是change failure。Change Failure命令的作用就是显示的将错误的状态修改掉。最常用的做法是:当一个错误发生的时候,如果我们没有在RMAN层面上去解决,比如使用冷备份方法还原。Failure信息是不会变化状态的。此时,可以使用change failure命令将状态设置为Closed,命令如:change failure all closed。