# mongostat -uroot -ppassword --authenticationDatabase admin -h292.168.x.xx --rowcount 10 1 connected to: 192.168.x.xx insert query update delete getmore command flushes mapped vsize res faults locked db idx miss % qr|qw ar|aw netIn netOut conn set repl time *0 *0 *0 *0 0 3|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 178b 4k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:36 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 3|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 342b 4k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:37 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 1|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 62b 3k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:38 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 3|0 1 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 342b 4k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:39 *0 6 *0 *0 0 1|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 62b 3k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:40 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 3|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 342b 4k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:41 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 1|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 62b 3k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:42 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 3|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 342b 4k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:43 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 1|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 test:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 62b 3k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:44 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 3|0 0 1.19g 3.07g 85m 0 db4:0.0% 0 0|0 0|0 342b 4k 6 rs0 SEC 21:02:45
可以添加 --discover显示shard集群(连接mongos)和副本集的所有成员的统计信息。
# mongotop -uroot -ppassword --authenticationDatabase admin -h292.168.x.xx 5 connected to: 192.168.x.xx ns total read write 2015-06-10T13:23:51 db4.system.indexes 0ms 0ms 0ms db4.$cmd 0ms 0ms 0ms db2.system.namespaces 0ms 0ms 0ms db2.system.indexes 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms db1.userX2 0ms 0ms 0ms db1.userX1 0ms 0ms 0ms ns total read write 2015-06-10T13:23:56 db4.system.indexes 0ms 0ms 0ms db4.$cmd 0ms 0ms 0ms db2.system.namespaces 0ms 0ms 0ms db2.system.indexes 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms db1.userX2 0ms 0ms 0ms db1.userX1 0ms 0ms 0ms # mongotop -uroot -ppassword --authenticationDatabase admin -h292.168.x.xx 5 --locks connected to: 192.168.x.xx db total read write 2015-06-10T13:24:42 . 1ms 1ms 0ms test 0ms 0ms 0ms local 0ms 0ms 0ms db4 0ms 0ms 0ms db2 0ms 0ms 0ms db1 0ms 0ms 0ms admin 0ms 0ms 0ms db total read write 2015-06-10T13:24:47 test 0ms 0ms 0ms local 0ms 0ms 0ms db4 0ms 0ms 0ms db2 0ms 0ms 0ms db1 0ms 0ms 0ms admin 0ms 0ms 0ms . 0ms 0ms 0ms
> db.stats() { "db" : "db4", "collections" : 3, "objects" : 13, "avgObjSize" : 87.38461538461539, "dataSize" : 1136, "storageSize" : 24576, "numExtents" : 3, "indexes" : 3, "indexSize" : 24528, "fileSize" : 16777216, "nsSizeMB" : 16, "dataFileVersion" : { "major" : 4, "minor" : 5 }, "extentFreeList" : { "num" : 0, "totalSize" : 0 }, "ok" : 1 }
{ "ns" : "db4.userInfo", "count" : 5, "size" : 560, "avgObjSize" : 112, "storageSize" : 8192, "numExtents" : 1, "nindexes" : 3, "lastExtentSize" : 8192, "paddingFactor" : 1, "systemFlags" : 1, "userFlags" : 1, "totalIndexSize" : 24528, "indexSizes" : { "_id_" : 8176, "name_hashed" : 8176, "age_1" : 8176 }, "ok" : 1 }
> rs.status() { "set" : "rs0", "date" : ISODate("2015-06-11T04:02:55Z"), "myState" : 2, "syncingTo" : "192.168.x.xx:27018", "members" : [ { "_id" : 0, "name" : "192.168.x.xx:27017", "health" : 1, "state" : 2, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 84674, "optime" : Timestamp(1435989328, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2015-07-04T05:55:28Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2015-06-11T04:02:54Z"), "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2015-06-11T04:02:54Z"), "pingMs" : 8, "syncingTo" : "192.168.x.xx:27018" }, { "_id" : 3, "name" : "192.168.x.xx:27017", "health" : 1, "state" : 2, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 84676, "optime" : Timestamp(1435989328, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2015-07-04T05:55:28Z"), "self" : true }, { "_id" : 4, "name" : "192.168.x.xx:27018", "health" : 1, "state" : 1, "stateStr" : "PRIMARY", "uptime" : 84674, "optime" : Timestamp(1435989328, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2015-07-04T05:55:28Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2015-06-11T04:02:54Z"), "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2015-06-11T04:02:55Z"), "pingMs" : 2, "electionTime" : Timestamp(1435803779, 1), "electionDate" : ISODate("2015-07-02T02:22:59Z") } ], "ok" : 1 }
分析 db.serverStatus() 输出的 globalLock 部分:
"globalLock" : { "totalTime" : NumberLong("240481182000"), "lockTime" : NumberLong(11670085), "currentQueue" : { "total" : 0, "readers" : 0, "writers" : 0 }, "activeClients" : { "total" : 0, "readers" : 0, "writers" : 0 } }
If is consistently high, then there is a chance that a large number of requests are waiting for a lock.
This indicates a possible concurrency issue that may be affecting performance.
globalLock.totalTime : The value of totalTime represents the time, in microseconds, since the database last started and creation of the globalLock.
This is roughly equivalent to total server uptime.
分析 db.serverStatus() 输出的 mem 部分:
"mem" : { "bits" : 64, "resident" : 39, "virtual" : 2993, "supported" : true, "mapped" : 1119, "mappedWithJournal" : 2238 }
resident 表示mongodb进程占用的内存,如果是专用服务器,随着mongodb使用内存的增加,这个参数的值会渐渐接近于系统内存。
mapped 文件映射的内存量,这个值大致与mongodb数据库的大小相同。
If this value is greater than the amount of system memory, some operations will require disk access page faults to read data from virtual memory and negatively affect performance.
3、Page Faults
分析 db.serverStatus() 输出的 extra_info 部分:
"extra_info" : { "note" : "fields vary by platform", "heap_usage_bytes" : 62941696, "page_faults" : 40 }
通常对大量数据的读取会产生大量的page faults 会使mongodb 性能下降。解决办法是优化sql或扩充内存。
分析 db.serverStatus() 输出的 connections 部分:
"connections" : { "current" : 12, "available" : 1626, "totalCreated" : NumberLong(8014) } "globalLock" : { "totalTime" : NumberLong("240481182000"), "lockTime" : NumberLong(11670085), "currentQueue" : { "total" : 0, "readers" : 0, "writers" : 0 }, "activeClients" : { "total" : 0, "readers" : 0, "writers" : 0 } }
说明 :
globalLock.activeClients contains a counter of the total number of clients with active operations in progress or queued.
connections is a container for the following two fields:
current the total number of current clients that connect to the database instance.
available the total number of unused collections available for new clients.