1 Hello world
这个例子里,2个输入框都被绑定到data model上的observable变量上。“full name”显示的是一个dependent observable,它的值是前面2个输入框的值合并一起的结果。

无论哪个输入框更新,都会看到“full name” 显示结果都会自动更新。查看HTML源代码可以看到我们不需要声明onchange事件。Knockout知道什么时候该更新UI。
代码: View
First name:
Last name:
Hello, !
代码: View model
// 这里是声明的view model var viewModel = { firstName: ko.observable("Planet"), lastName: ko.observable("Earth") }; viewModel.fullName = ko.dependentObservable(function () { // Knockout tracks dependencies automatically. //It knows that fullName depends on firstName and lastName, //because these get called when evaluating fullName. return viewModel.firstName() + " " + viewModel.lastName(); }); ko.applyBindings(viewModel); // This makes Knockout get to work
2 Click counter
这个例子展示的创建一个view model并且绑定各种绑定到HTML元素标记上,以便展示和修改view model的状态。
Knockout根据依赖项。在内部,hasClickedTooManyTimes在numberOfClicks上有个订阅,以便当numberOfClicks改变的时候,强制hasClickedTooManyTimes重新执行。相似的,UI界面上多个地方引用hasClickedTooManyTimes,所以当hasClickedTooManyTimes 改变的时候,也讲导致UI界面更新。

代码: View
You've clicked timesThat's too many clicks! Please stop before you wear out your fingers.
代码: View model
var clickCounterViewModel = function () { this.numberOfClicks = ko.observable(0); this.registerClick = function () { this.numberOfClicks(this.numberOfClicks() + 1); } this.hasClickedTooManyTimes = ko.dependentObservable(function () { return this.numberOfClicks() >= 3; }, this); }; ko.applyBindings(new clickCounterViewModel());
3 Simple list
注意到,只有当你在输入框里输入一些值的时候,Add按钮才可用。参考下面的HTML代码是如何使用enable 绑定。

代码: View
代码: View model
var viewModel = {}; viewModel.items = ko.observableArray(["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"]); viewModel.itemToAdd = ko.observable(""); viewModel.addItem = function () { if (viewModel.itemToAdd() != "") { viewModel.items.push(viewModel.itemToAdd()); // Adds the item. Writing to the "items" observableArray causes any associated UI to update. viewModel.itemToAdd(""); // Clears the text box, because it's bound to the "itemToAdd" observable } } ko.applyBindings(viewModel);
4 Better list
这个例子是在上个例子的基础上添加remove item功能(multi-selection)和排序功能。 “remove”和“sort”按钮在不能用的时候会变成disabled状态(例如,没有足够的item来排序)。

代码: View
Your values:
代码: View model
// In this example, betterListModel is a class, and the view model is an instance of it. // See simpleList.html for an example of how to construct a view model without defining a class for it. Either technique works fine. var betterListModel = function () { this.itemToAdd = new ko.observable(""); this.allItems = new ko.observableArray(["Fries", "Eggs Benedict", "Ham", "Cheese"]); // Initial items this.selectedItems = new ko.observableArray(["Ham"]); // Initial selection this.addItem = function () { if ((this.itemToAdd() != "") && (this.allItems.indexOf(this.itemToAdd()) < 0)) // Prevent blanks and duplicates this.allItems.push(this.itemToAdd()); this.itemToAdd(""); // Clear the text box } this.removeSelected = function () { this.allItems.removeAll(this.selectedItems()); this.selectedItems([]); // Clear selection } }; ko.applyBindings(new betterListModel());